Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening

Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening

Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening

Under Eye 45 mins from $400

Double Chin - Turkey Neck 60 mins from $600

Neck Lift 90 mins from $1500

Neck Bands 60 mins from $700

Frown Lines 45 mins from $300

Forehead Lines 45 mins from $400

Mini Facelift 60 mins from $550

Nasal Labial Folds & Marionette Lines 1hr 15mins from $750

Marionette Lines 60 mins from $500

Nasal Labial Folds 60 mins from $500

Upper Lip 45 mins from $400

Eyelid & Brow Lift 1hr 15mins from $750

Eyelid 45 mins from $400

What Areas Can Be Treated?

Any area that has excess skin. If it can be pinched, it can be reduced!

Benefits of Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening

  • high precision to target specific areas

  • short operation time

  • no bleeding

  • less damage to other tissues and rapid formation of the protective layer

  • fast healing

  • immediate return to usual activities

  • no visible scars

  • no hyperpigmentation

  • no infection

  • no pain

  • very slight inflammatory reaction



You may not look your absolute best during the initial healing process (usually 3 to 7 days)

We recommend NOT exercising right after a treatment because any heat, steam, or sweat could add to the inflammation that’s already present. Ideally you want to avoid excessive sweating for 7-10 days during the healing process. Sun avoidance is also key, because you cannot apply sunscreen until crust has separated.

We recommend the only product you should use after treatment and during the 7-10 day healing process is Colloidal Silver Balm as many times as needed.

You may experience a mild tingling or stinging sensation with application of Colloidal Silver Balm and this will subside within a very short time. This is to be expected depending on your skin sensitivity and is caused by the ingredients intentionally formulated in the Colloidal Silver Balm.

Patients may find waving a fan or a magazine or using a small handheld fan after application of Balm will be comforting in the event you experience any uncomfortable tingling or stinging sensation.

We recommend you do not wear makeup in the area treated during the 7-10 day healing process because the application and/or removal of makeup could prematurely disrupt the crusts before they are ready to separate.

We recommend all patients apply small amounts of Balm 2x days (morning and evening) to soothe inflamed skin and to allow faster healing. It also provides relief from possible itching and helps expedite a scar free healing process.

There may be some mild to moderate swelling in the area(s) treated, especially around the eyes and within the periorbital (eye) region.

Swelling and inflammation for 1 to 5 days post-treatment is normal. If swelling lasts beyond 7 days, contact your treatment provider.

We recommend the you do not apply cold packs or ice packs during the swelling period, as icing will diminish the outcome and inhibit the inflammation process that we want to happen naturally. Applying cold or ice packs on the skin could interfere with the mechanism of action performed by the device and the skin’s natural heat and healing process to achieve the desired result. Swelling is a minor inconvenience to achieve the desired outcome.

If possible, we recommend you take a high dose of Vitamin C supplements over the course of the healing process as this will help give your immune system a big boost. In turn this helps you to repair and also helps avoid hyperpigmentation.

You may experience a “stinging” sensation in the “treated” area(s) immediately after treatment. This is normal and is simply the heat exiting the skin. It generally only lasts for about 1-2 hours.

Facial areas that have been treated must NOT be covered with bandages, occlusive dressing or any type of make-up, mascara, creams or any other product until the area has fully healed.

If you have received facial treatment, we recommend you sleep on your back with your head elevated to minimize swelling. If you have received treatment to your eye area then it is important you sleep slightly elevated for up to 7 days as this can greatly reduce swelling.

It is highly unlikely you will ever get an infection from a plasma pen. However, the first 12-24 hours post-treatment is of vital importance in protecting you from any kind of potential infection so please avoid any activities where you could expose yourself to contaminants.


It is normal for the area that has been treated to feel tight and dry.

Occasional weeping will settle.

Tiny crusts will quickly form on the treated area. Crusts are formed at the time of the treatment and will be visible. For some patients, that may be the reason they feel the need to take more time off from their social or lifestyle activities. This is what we refer to as “Social Down Time.” There is no medical reason you can’t return to work but you may feel self conscious. The crusts usually fall off anywhere from days 7-14.

Do NOT pick crusts off as this will delay the healing process and could cause scarring.

The area(s) treated may be cleansed daily with lukewarm water and a soft, lint free cloth. You are only removing excess oil and do not need to thoroughly cleanse the treated skin. Do NOT be tempted to rub or brush the area to aid the removal of the crusts. Pat dry with a clean tissue.

We advise you do NOT stand with your face under a hot shower or direct water from shower head for the 3 to 5 days. This could increase swelling. Try to avoid shower gels or hair products running onto your face as this could cause irritation. Rinse thoroughly with tepid water if products do come into contact with the area(s) treated and gently pat dry.

Outside of using Colloidal Silver Balm please do NOT apply any other lotions or creams unless your practitioner has specifically advised you to do so. Absolutely do NOT use any lotions or creams that contain perfume, alcohol.


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